Silver Polish

for silver-plated and real silver objects

The SCHRADER Silver Polish is suitable for treating real silver and silver-plated objects. It gently removes dark discolorations on jewelry, coffee and tea sets, trophies, decorative objects, cutlery and accessories.
The surface gets a new shine and becomes dirt and water-repellent thanks to the natural carnauba wax. This prevents further tarnishing and stains.


Apply a small amount to a non-scratch, damp cloth or sponge (we recommend SCHRADER Premium Sponges) and rub onto the surface. Then rinse with water. Only wipe water-sensitive objects dry.


Before use, test for material compatibility in an inconspicuous area. Please follow the silver manufacturer’s care instructions. Keep out of reach of children. Empty completely for recycling.


The bottle contains 250 ml of polish. The product is liquid, color neutral and has a mild smell.

Schrader Bremen

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